Aside from shopping in advance, there are still additional ways to save money on auto insurance. Other discounts available include multi-policy discounts, discounts for carrying higher limits of liability, and even discounts for low commuting, carpooling, and even pleasure use. The key is to make sure you complete a thorough review with your agent.
In a recent case, one of our clients auto insurance rates increased by over a $1000 per year. Since the rate increased was primarily caused by adding an 18 year old teenager and his brand new car, we couldn’t do very much to lower his rates. As an independent insurance agent, representing more than one insurance company made it possible for us to reduce his auto insurance premium by approximately $400 per year. In this case we placed the younger driver on his vehicle on a different policy while keeping the coverage the same. As a result, the family received an auto insurance rate reduction of 20% on the auto insurance. In this case he got the same level of coverage for less money.
Next time you have a renewal, check with an independent insurance agent to determine whether you can save money. If you call me, perhaps I can help you and your family get the same coverage or more coverage for less money. If you’re like most people, saving money on their auto insurance is a good thing.