Your going to love this set of insurance marketing tips! I finally found the secret behind Obi Wan Kenobi’s the Jedi mind trick from Star Wars. Well maybe not the REAL Star Wars. However, if you’re like most insurance agents, you understand the importance of using the correct words in your sales presentation. I was fortunate enough to meet Jim Fortin and watch his Zero Effort Selling presentation. The more I listened, the more I realized that I had made a lot of mistakes in my sales presentations. After I personally witness his powers of persuasion, I was convinced that I had to learn these amazing techniques. I promise you that you will love this blog post! The more you read, the more you’ll want to learn on this topic.

If you’re still reading this, you probably are wondering why in the heck are we talking about Jedi mind tricks. Well, the more you read on, the more you’ll realize that what you’re about to read will really work. I’ve taken some of Jim’s selling tips and used them in my insurance sales to sell policies immediately. The more you focus on and use these tips, the more you’ll be able to sell and marketing insurance prospects on an unconscious level. So, today we have 3 Jedi Marketing Tips that will help you access your client’s subconcious mind.
Insurance Jedi Marketing Tip #1: Persuasion and Communication Skills are different
If you’re like me and most people, you’re probably thinking that persuasion and communication skills are the same thing. Albeit communication skills and persuasion are in the same family; their impacts on the human brain are different. Good communication skills help an insurance agent present good analytical and well articulated argument. A good example of this is when you’re trying to sell life insurance. Most of the time, insurance agents present life insurance in a logical well articulated manner full of policy features and benefits designed to influence the best accountants and engineers in world. At least for me, those seem to be the most difficult sales to close. On the other hand, persuasion skills are the power behind your true communication skills. When you present a persuasive argument, you access a person’s unconsious mind. As a result you trigger an emotional response to your product. In other words, once you find that emotional trigger, your prospect’s brain will use that emotion to justify any decision they make.
Insurance Jedi Marketing Tip #2: The mind thinks in “literal” positives
Imagine this, you well a client, “Whatever you do Mr. policyholder, forget about State Farm insurance. State Farm’s policy doesn’t hold a candle to what I can do.”
Now that you’ve said that, what do you think your client is thinking about? In my past life as a sales coach at Geico, I came up with a “Don’t bring up your own objections” philosophy. Just like the statement above, If start a conversation by bringing up your competition, you only reinforce that thought in your client’s mind.
Think of it this way, when you tell someone “not” to do something, it turns out that the subconscious is unable to comprehend negative words. Here’s a hint, th emore you talk about your competition (and how they have bad claims service,) the more you keep your client thinking about them.
Insurance Jedi Marketing Tip #3: Make up your clients mind for you
This tip is one you’ve probably done before and did realize it. According to neuro linguists, people look to fulfill their expections. This concept is most prevalent movie promotions. By hitting the potention consumer with statements like, “Siskel and Ebert give it two thumbs up!” and “The Rolling Stones says five stars” marketers create an expectation that the human mind looks to fulfill.
As an insurance agent, you can take a lesson from the Men’s Warehouse. When George Zimmer says, “ you’re going to love the way you look, I guarantee it.” He plans a line that makes you expect to look good. Tell your customers what to expect and be 100% certain that your clients will find it. Because your client unconsciously buys into your expectations, you’ll better influence them in the buying decision.
Do these tips make sense? The more you think about it, the more you’ll realize that marketing and selling your clients is a lot easier if you learn to use the techniques taught by Jim Fortin. For more information on NeuroPersuasion and Zero Effort Selling visit TheMindAuthorityNetwork. To learn more cool insurance marketing tips, sign up for our marketing newsletter for more free and interesting blog posts.