Insurance agent marketing continues to become increasingly more difficult. Direct mail has always been a mainstay for this industry. In fact, I spoke to a carrier representative that suggested I do a direct mail campaign for the few zip codes where they feel they are competitive. Shya! Taking that approach is like shooting a moving target and never stops. I rather give you my top 5 marketing tips for long term results and organic growth.
Insurance Long Term Marketing Tip #1: Remember your Mojo!
First of all, let’s define your mojo according to the modern Urban Dictionairy. Your mojo is your sex appeal or in the application of insurance agents, it’s your agency’s appeal. Everyone gets in the business for one reason or the other. You have to remember that driving force that made you go out and tell everyone about your business. Find that “thing” and never let go of it. This is important because the more business cards, phone numbers, and email addresses you collect the better. Your mojo will help you build your list. The future is about lists of people and staying connected. Remembering your MOJO will help you build that list even faster.
Insurance Long Term Marketing Tip#2: Be Social in Person and Online
I’m going to get on a soapbox for a minute. This one is important. Are you the agent that makes the mistake of collecting business cards and only putting in your outlook or in your rolodex? Are you still counting on the one on one meetings with your choice consumers? If that’s you, please call me at 214-717-4326. We seriously need to catch you up. Here’s a quick tip, social media is about connecting with people on their terms. Why limit yourself to just Facebook? Sign up with Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and hire your 16 year older daughter to show you how to use them. If you’re still on the fence about social media, here are a few stats that will will surely get your attention:
- Facebook States that more than 250 million people use Facebook Connect every month. (Facebook)
- During the average 20-minute period in 2010, there were: 1,587,000 wall posts, 2,716,000 photos uploaded and 10,208,000 comments posted. (
- Since April 2011, Twiter has gained 40 million users and 62 percent increase their mobile platform (ClickZ)
- Social Media has overtaken porn as the #1 activity on the Web
Now that you know a few facts about social media, take the business cards from tip number 1 and add all the contacts to your favorite GMAIL or YAHOO email account. Once you’ve done that, your social media world will open up. Using tools like ShareThis or Facebook Connect, you can upload your new contacts to your social media accounts. This will make it easier to get to know all your new business contacts.
Insurance Long Term Marketing Tip #3: Get the right road for your online journey
If you’re like most people, you have some idea of where you’re headed when you take a trip. Whether you use a Gazeteer or a GPS you have some sense of the direction you’re headed. The same is true for when you’re marketing your insurance agency. What is your ideal client typing into the search engine? Can I afford pay per click campaigns? What are the best keywords for my agency?
When I first started my online journey, I discussed my keyword phrases with an “insurance keyword specialist”. He told me that affordable auto insurance in Dallas was a good keyword because it avoided the perception of being cheap and that’s how people think. That expert’s advise got me 3 quotes in 6 months. Avoid that guy. Email me and opt in to my newsletter, and I’ll give you the company that overcharged and underdelivered. To get you started and pointed in the right direction, I’ve included a copy of my blog post/static page layout roadmap. Using this form will help point you in the right direction and avoid targeting the wrong keywords and keyword phrases.
Insurance Long Term Marketing Tip #4: Get Local
So many insurance agents have websites they’ve spent tons of money on building their site, but most agents forget to do the simple things. Most agents are surprised when I tell them that Google, Yahoo, Bing, and a ton of other sites have free profiles just waiting for your business to claim. The more of these you claim, the better. By claiming your local profiles, you allow clients comment on your business and connect with you outside of your agency. Did I mention that these are free? To get started if you have not already, claim your local business on Google at .
In fact, claiming a local site in many places will immediately make your phone ring constantly without spending a dime. Once you’ve claimed your local accounts, you’re on your way! This one tip enabled me to move completely from purchased leads.
Insurance Long Term Marketing Tip #5: Get a Good Web Developer to help you put it together.
Before you decide to pick a web designer or web developer, grade their website. Hubspot’s Website Grader Software is a free tool you can use to determine your suitor’s skills and ability. Simply go to Website Grader’s website, enter your designer or developer’s URL and let the 3rd party site grade their website. Also, you should grade some of their client websites as well. Picking a web developer or designer is like hiring a recruiting firm to hire your best employee. Imagine this, you go to manpower, and they recommend a plumber that took a few junior college courses to run your marketing campaign. Sound’s scary, but it happens all the time.
Look for a web developer that has the staff to build your site along with the ability to train you on the proper techniques to growing your online presence. Remember the guy that got me 3 leads in 6 months? He came highly recommended by one of my insurance carriers. Every chance I get, I let them hear it. If you want a recommendation for a web developer that can build your site and educate you in its proper use, visit my developers at and use my code DB40 for a discount on all their services.
To make it simple, having the right architecture is akin to having the best sports car with the latest technology in a race against go-carts. A well developed site will allow you the ability to create content and syndicate that content at the click of a button.
This may seem like a lot for 5 tips. However, I only write about my personal experiences. If you have more questions about internet marketing tips for your insurance agency, call me at 214-717-4326 or email me at Please add Marketing Tips Questions in the Subject line and someone will follow up with you.
By the way, the responses to my marketing and insurance blog posts have been overwhelming. Thank you for all the phone calls, emails, and requests. The primary goal of this website is to deliver useful and uplifting agent related and consumer related content. If you have other ideas for future posts or videos, be sure to drop me a line via email or phone. Thanks for reading!
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